nor is her work recuperable by dominant culture...
re: *Question of Silence* - scene in which hysterical prosecutor yells at female psychiatrist that it would be no different if three men had killed a woman, all the women women in the courtroom burst out laughing. ..the women can kill an 'innocent' man, feel no guilt, and show solidarity with one another because they know that individualism and its morality is for them a fraudulent myth, and that 'justice' is a chimera...
re: *Broken Mirrors* - brothel workers hunt down and kill one of their johns who is a serial killer of prostitutes...moreover, as in Lizzie Borden's *Working Girl's*, the women have only contempt for their clients, no 'whore with a heart theme' (i.e. *Pretty Woman*) of which men are so fond to be found here...Michael Hoover