Protest against the Bombing

Margaret mairead at
Fri Mar 26 08:20:21 PST 1999

Carrol Cox <cbcox at>) wrote:

>Margaret, there is no such thing as a "right target" for U.S. military
>power. Is the U.S. attacking a fascist state? Hurrah for the fascists!
>Is the U.S. attacking a bunch of barbarians? Hurrah for the
>barbarians! Is the U.S. attacking a cadre of unreconstructed
>Stalinists? Hurrah for unreconstructed Stalinists! Is the U.S.
>attacking fascists disguised as Stalinists? Hurrah for fascists
>disguised as Stalinists.

Sorry, Carrol, i must disagree. Actions are distinct from actors and from motives. The rescue of a cat from a group of psychopathic children does not become a bad act because performed by the neighborhood bully for all the wrong reasons. It just doesn't.

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