Why doesn't the Left have a real vision?

Margaret mairead at mindspring.com
Sun Mar 28 18:03:14 PST 1999

Capitalism doesn't need to articulate their vision -- in fact, they have to hope that no one else gets a look at it!

But the Left seems to always be reactive, hand-waving, disorganised, and vague.

Despite all the wonderful numbers someone like Doug has the skill to produce, despite all the highly articulate leftie writers, despite the fact that the vast majority of folk in the world would be better off in a genuine socialist economy...we're always and forever just a bunch of kooks with no practical program to put on the table.


Is it because in our heart-of-hearts we know that we're not smart enough, or committed enough, or something enough to prevent the the whole thing from being endlessly hijacked for private gain? Is it because even we ourselves are secretly convinced that individual greed is more powerful than any other motive? Is it just that we really, truly are, at bottom, as unrealistic, ineffectual, and out-of-touch as we're painted?

What's going on?


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