
Marko Ajdaric marko at lutacontinua.zzn.com
Mon Mar 29 10:34:47 PST 1999

Features up to now in our site <http://come.to/luta> about the aggression of NATO against Serbia.

Manifestations anti OTAN dans le monde Jugoslaviska proffs spelstrejkar i protest A book: NATO in the Balkans 1000 protestam na Califórnia contra ataques da OTAN Tiens bon! une message de soutien de l'Action française pour la Serbie Lettera di un compagno del PRC ''Quella della pulizia etnica è disinformazione della Nato: scene finte, fatte apposta per provocare la reazione'' Kissinger desmonta peça por peça a teoria de Clinton Soccer stars join anti-Nato protest outside U.S. Embassy Manifestaciones en España contra los ataques de la OTAN Show de rock em Belgrado protesta também Protesto também em Los Angeles Al Arab: America and the European countries fear Serbia and attack Iraq unlawfully Crece condena internacional Protestas masivas en Grecia, Italia, Ucrania, Alemania y otros países contra la ofensiva La Jornada: Hitler, Washington y la OTAN Los jugadores yugoslavos de baloncesto y balonmano expresaron su protesta y solidaridad con su pueblo acudiendo a jugar con brazaletes negros Baloncesto. Djordjevic: ''Mi sitio está en Belgrado con los míos'' Lectores de El Mundo: la gran mayoría es contra la agresión Italians: either opposed or w/o informations La Santa Sede está en contra del ataque militar a la república de Yugoslavia Australian Serbs demonstrate against NATO strikes La opinión pública menos implicada y politizada de Rusia ha comprendido que hay que cuidarse del ''amigo'' americano e incluso la nueva clase adinerada critica con dureza los bombardeos Bosnian Serbs to bring humanitarian aid N. Korea urges halt in NATO attacks Liberazionet: la ''sfida'' degli serbi [cartoon] Belgrade: en milieu de matinée, il n’est plus possible de trouver du pain ou du lait It must be Borgman! see the antiwar cartoon from the Cincinnati Enquirer Soccer: 40 Yugoslavs joining club boycott Anti aggression: 10,000 people in Bulgaria, in Greece, 15,000 protesters ''The most powerful and rapacious imperial power in history will stop at nothing to secure its domination over human affairs'' Many Chinese, including opponents of the ruling Communist Party, are opposed to the use of force in a sovereign nation without the approval of the United Nations La Grece reaffirme qu'aucune solution militaire n'est possible au Kosovo Give diplomacy a new chance in Kosovo, Greece says El jugador yugoslavo del Celta, Goran Djorovic, se plantea retirarse del fútbol mientras continúe la guerra Unes 120 persones van morir i 40 més van resultar ferides fins a ahir a les 15 hores, com a conseqüència dels atacs aeris de l'OTAN Milhares de pessoas pedem em Berlim o termo dos ataques da OTAN à Jugoslávia Toronto: Chants and loud whistles replaced firebombs and attacks on police as Canadian Serbs rallied for a third straight night outside the American consulate The Detroit News poll: Would you be willing to see a member of your family go to Yugoslavia to try to stop the ethnic warfare? Grécia e Itália pedem fim do bombardeio e retomada das negociações ''¡Ahora también la guerra química!'' More than 10,000 people gathered in peaceful protest in Sofia, Bulgaria. Smaller rallies were held in Vienna, Austria, Warsaw, Poland, and Nicosia, Cyprus... Demonstration from the Serbian-Americans, in two separate picket circles at either side of the barricades forming the "pen" in Washington, D.C. Some thoughts about the bombings and their meaning for activists ''It's flatly illegal, violating the War Powers Clause of the U.S. Constitution'' Hundreds in Vancouver protest air raids Pesquisa com leitores da Folha de Londrina 65 % contra invasão Even Serbs who hate Milosevic are outraged at the NATO bombing Der Spiegel: Mit dem Strafbombardement, riskiert die Nato eine gefährliche Eskalation: Der Konflikt droht nun auch die Nachbarländer zu erfassen In the Boston Globe: What does NATO aim to achieve with air strikes against Serbia? Friedenskooperative: Intervenieren im Kosovo, aber wie? The Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research. Rambouillet: Imperialism in Disguise STOP THE BOMBING OF YUGOSLAVIA! MONEY FOR JOBS & EDUCATION, NOT WAR! There will be a new demonstration on March 27th in New York City at 12 noon that will march from Grand Central Station to Union Square Socialist Appeal: ''Yugoslavia: Oppose NATO Aggression!'' Parti du Travail de Belgique: ''Nous exigeons l'arrêt des bombardements et le retrait de la Belgique de cette force d'agression'' Workers World: A force for peace or domination? O PCP considera da maior gravidade para a paz nos Balcãs e na Europa a ordem de ataques militares da NATO contra a Jugoslávia Hoje em Dia: Protestos crescem pelo mundo Stop bombardementen op Joegoslavië Workers World newspaper: Warhawk behind U.S. Kosovo policy Human Rights Watch: Persistent discrimination against Croatian Serbs The Times: Backlash in Britain against bombing Lord Jenkins of Putney, 90, accused the UK Government of supporting "murder", saying the Nato action in Kosovo amounts to "criminal barbarity" Tony Benn: ''Bombardare un paese, aggredire villaggi e civili, per dimostrare la credibilitá della Nato sarebbe una cosa folle se non fosse reale" Namíbia também vota pelo fim da agressão à Iugoslávia Nem todo povo é hilly billy: Grécia rompe com a OTAN IL NO DI GIULIO ANDREOTTI E DI OSCAR LUIGI SCALFARO Parole contro la guerra, Il Manifesto Al Bundestag la voce di protesta più forte, contro i raid senza mandato Onu, è quella della PDS, ma gli attacchi alla Jugoslavia scuotono anche i Verdi Il comunicato di CGIL rappresenta una svolta profondamente negativa Claude Cheysson : ''Rien ne force la France à suivre l'OTAN'' Il PCF: "violazione fondamentale della carta dell'ONU'' The South African government expressed its anger at the NATO intervention in Yugoslavia ( Copy/uploaded at sat. 10:03AM, GMT -3) 5 in each 6 readers of NewsIndex do not agree w/ NATO aggression Moscovitas protestam em frente à embaixada dos EUA La alianza comete genocidio, acusa Moscú Jay Lefist site: ''IMPERIALISM = Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, Iraq, Sudan, Yugoslavia '' Workers World Service puts in its site the text ''U.S. attacks little Yugoslavia: A day of infamy'' Anti NATO Protest Rocks Macedonia Il Corriere della Sera: Seconda pioggia di cruise sulla Jugoslavia: morti e terrore Temor e incertidumbre en la prensa occidental Fico preocupado com a sobrevivência da Otan, por colocar em risco toda a sua credibilidade em cima de Kosovo (Lord David Owen) L'Humanité: Doutes et oppositions en France Contrairement aux affirmations du président américain, la partie n'est pas jouée Ministre du temps de de Gaulle: ''Un recours à la force qui ignore le droit international'' Libération: Le diable niche dans les détails. Notre pays n'a pas manqué de mettre en exergue à cette crise internationale sa fameuse exception France: au-delà d'une certe déception, l'interrogation commune se résume à : et maintenant ?

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