Invidious Hitler Analogy (was RE: Noam Chomksy on Kosovo (FWD))

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at
Tue Mar 30 12:35:59 PST 1999

Max wrote:
>But most Bolsheviks supported *the* war against fascism. It was
>only some misguided Trots and pacifists who were confused about
>it, and evidently still are.
>As for splitting, we all know it's in the eye of the beholder. I
>would like to isolate the lunacy of those who cannot pass the
>Hitler Test....

I simply use Max's post above as an example. I'm tired of (though not surprised by) seeing some folks here resurrect the figure of Hitler again, again, and again, whenever they want to justify or at least rationalize imperial uses of military forces and/or economic sanctions against a stubby regional power such as the rump Yugoslavia and Iraq. I object to this misuse of of history and language on a purportedly 'left' political e-mail list, for it makes an accurate analysis of current balance of forces impossible. This recurring analogy reveals that those who resort to it have bought imperial propaganda wholesale.

Aside to Barkley Rosser: By saying the above, I have no intention of portraying Milosevic as 'hero' or the rump Yugoslavia as 'socialist.' Far from it. I simply don't agree with the doxa that whenever I object to the US/NATO aggression and the increase of their foreign bases in the Balkans, I should also display denunciations of Milosevic at least as prominently as my critique of US/NATO imperialism.


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