guns prevent violence!

Margaret mairead at
Tue May 4 13:11:15 PDT 1999

Barkley wrote:

>going to confess that I have nothing but utter contempt
>for people who prattle on about the right to bear arms.
>The more expert they claim to be, the more stupid
>they sound.

Goodness, Barkley, don't beat around the bush - if you feel folk who are pro-Second are dafties, just come right out and say it! :-)

> My half-uncle was accidentally killed at the age of
>ten by a neighbor kid.

I'm very sorry to hear that. It sounds as though it was a real loss for you.

>They were playing with a family
>hand gun and did not know that it was loaded. Now,
>Jordan, or some other brilliant expert, might tell us that
>gee, we should all have extensive gun training so that we
>all learn not to do that. But, gee, even geniuses get careless.
> If the fucking gun had not been there in the first place,
>it would not have happened.

Or, at least, it would not have happened that way.

My mum once told me about an incident that I can't be sure I recall in first-person. She had to cut me down, unconscious, one day from the clothesline-support (you know, those T-shaped iron tubing things found in many N. American backyards). I'd been hanged there by an older neighbor child - I was 3 or 4 - who'd then run off and left me. It was only luck that my mum happened to look out the window when she did. (My would-be killer didn't run away out of panic; a year or so later he was given over to a locked ward for criminal psychopathy, but at the time had not been diagnosed.)

>Barkley Rosser (for a weapon-free society, and I mean
>a completely weapons-free society!)

I completely support that! But so long as anyone else - very much including any agent of the State! - has the right to a weapon, I demand it too.

And I am indeed upheld in that demand by the writings of the Framers; the notion that the Second applies only to the States fails the simplest of tests.

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