Hitchens book tour

Peter Kilander peterk at enteract.com
Sun May 9 14:25:47 PDT 1999

Christopher Hitchens was very impressive at the Chicago stop on his No One Left ot Lie To book tour. It was standing room only and the crowd was mostly young folks. The book's really good, too. Today's New York Times Book Review had a short review of it by a Karen Lehrman. She writes "One thing at least is clear: people -- especially [liberals] -- *should* read this book." And "Hitchens's brave willingness to show all the sordid scenarios in which our emperor has removed his clothes is beyond refreshing."

In the book, he admits that there is a mystery as to why people on the Right hate Clinton. Pg. 81. "Of course, there's an element of the stupid party involved: conservatives thought Franklin Roosevelt was a communist even as he saved capital from itself by means of the National Recovery Act. But Bill Clinton, who has gone further than Reagan ever dared in repealing the New Deal and seconding the social Darwinist ethic at home and abroad, is nonetheless detested on the Right. The old slogan, "draft-dodging, pot-smoking, lying, womanizing sonofabitch" still resonates. As why should it not, given that a person of such qualities has been able to annex and even anticipate the Republican platform, thereby demonstrating conclusively that there is no sufficient or necessary connection between the said platform and personal honor, or political honesty? At least Trent Lott and Newt Gingrich and the Chistian Coalition got something for their frustration: the sight of Bomber Bill carrying a large Bible from prayer breakfast to prayer breakfast while ordering the downtrodden to shape up, and the war planes to discipline the wogs, and the military production lines to restart."

Peter - not a member of the Verso marketing department, if such a thing exists. But their website has a list of his remaining stops: http://www.versobooks.com/verso_info/hitchens_tour.shtml Boston on Tuesday, Harvard Square Bookfair reading Wednesday, Thursday in DC, The following Tuesday the 18th, in Atlanta, Thursday the 20th in New York City, and Friday the 21st in Philedelphia. It would provide a nice opportunity for you keyboard jockeys to take your potshots.

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