over limit -Re: Stratfor: NATO’s Old CIA Map Theory makes no Sense Whatsoever

D.L. boddhisatva at mindspring.com
Tue May 11 00:51:13 PDT 1999

C. Souzis,

Posit an administration who have found convincing but top-secret information (possibly even incomplete information) that they have been penetrated by Chinese espionage. Moreover, that administration has been tied to Chinese influence-peddling. Thus, they want to react to the espionage but not admit publicly what they know. They want to send a message that only the offending party will understand. They want to react against China's foreign service/intelligence community and punish them. Perhaps, and this is not unreasonable to believe, the Chinese intelligence community were undermining (or were suspected of undermining) our intelligence sources in Belgrade. This bombing was a completely free shot at the Chinese foreign service and it would be, in the minds of Americans, a completely justifiable attack. The reasons for the attack are only obvious to the people who were attacked but in case they aren't getting the message, the U.S. has made it as obvious as they can.


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