Information on speakers and registration for this year's URPE Summer conference is in the attached files. ( A short description is included in the body of the email.) We have a special conference fee for graduate students who participate in a forum where students will talk about their research interests for 5-10 minutes each. The fee is $50 for the conference (includes food, lodging, and conference). If you have any questions, want to present, etc., please contact me at: susan_fleck at evening phone (301)270-1486
This information will be posted on the URPE website this week at so that you can download it.
Susan Fleck
Political economy, the environment and economic crisis August 21-24, 1999 Camp Chinqueka Bantam, Connecticut, USA
The volatility of today's markets, the world recession, and US trade wars (and other wars) are the result of growth policies gone awry in the race to produce for profit. The role of responsible stewardship of the world's resources and their just allocation is left behind. Environmentalists and political economists have overcome earlier antagonisms pitting nature against jobs and have begun forging new alliances to discuss a new sustainable way forward for workers who depend on the environment.
The three Plenaries and the David Gordon Lecture for this year's summer conference are a forum for how environmental issues are a necessary complement to radical political economic analysis of growth, distribution, and development.