
Tavia tavia.nyongo at yale.edu
Tue May 18 18:35:42 PDT 1999


>Charles, I almost voted for Hitler. Sure not because I admire him or
>anything insane like that, but the criterion is:
> ...that person who, for better or worse, most influenced the course
> ^^ ^^^^^
> of history over the past 100 years.
>Today you see Hitler's hoof print all across all the lands on the

Not to open up a can of worms, but as a historian these Time covers always bother me because they rely so much on the "Great man" theory of the past. Why believe there was any one person who most influenced the course of history? Why assume that category even makes sense? I don't personally see Hitler's "hoof print" all over the globe--I don't think any one person, really, is that 'important.' "Men [sic] make their own history, but they do not make it just as they please in circumstances they choose for themselves; rather they make it in present circumstances, given and inherited." -- Marx, "Eighteenth Brumaire"


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