For What It's Worth

S Pawlett epawlett at
Tue May 18 20:25:18 PDT 1999

CounterPunch wrote:

> Here's how my TIME votes would be stacked:
> 5. James Joyce
> 4. Muhammed Ali
> 3. Robert Johnson
> 2. FDR (for better or worse)
> there any doubt? the man with the Green Tea Stained Teeth..
> 1. Mao

5. Benny Hill4. Andre the Giant 3. James Brown 2. Frank Stallone ------------------- 1. Evil Knievel -------------------

Honorable Mentions: Gerry Healey Billy James Hargus Mark from Michigan Unibomber Paul McCartney Jean Genet Lyndon Larouche Muammer Qaddafi ( "three great men came from the desert: Mohammed, Jesus and me.") Bill Clinton Robert Malecki

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