Where's BB King and Pol Pot?

Charles Brown CharlesB at CNCL.ci.detroit.mi.us
Wed May 19 06:42:22 PDT 1999

What about all of those people who have an interpretation of Hitler and Nazism as not necessarily racist, as claimed by several posters on the Littleton thread ?

Charles Brown

>>> Doug Henwood <dhenwood at panix.com> 05/18/99 02:56PM >>>
Charles Brown wrote:

>And even in the thinking you describe is mixed in a profound ignorance in
>today's U.S. population of what a serious danger Hitler was.

Charles, I think you're wrong here. Almost everyone in the U.S. hates Hitler, probably even more than Stalin. In fact it's almost too easy to hate Hitler - you can avoid all responsibility for less extreme forms of racism by doing so. Hey, what's a little cop violence or realtor discrimination - at least we don't have death camps!


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