Doug Henwood wrote:
> [this bounced for an address oddity]
> Date: Tue, 18 May 1999 20:48:21 -0300
> To: lbo-talk at
> From: Alexandre Fenelon <sfenelon at>
> Subject: Re: Neo-liberalism
> There are two other interesting things about Uruguay. It's the only country
> of Latin America in which massive privatization was not undertaken (people
> voted against it in 1992, in a referendum).
Yes, that is right. Even the far right accepts now that we uruguayans do not want to live under the market fundamentalism doctrine.
>It is also the only South American country that registered significant progress
in the fight against poverty from 1982 to 1995.
we are witnessing a debate between some economists for whom 15% to 19% of the population live under poverty line, and economists working for ECLAC (Economic Commission fon Latin America and the Caribbena, UN) who have just released a study in which we are told that only 6% (down from a 12% a few years ago) of the population live under the poverty line. The debate consists in that the people at ECLAC do not disclose what methodolgy they use, nor they explain how did we manage to go from that 12% to this 6%! specially when the feeling on the streets is telling us some other thing.Juan
> Alexandre Fenelon