Racism , white supremacy and nationalism CAN be abolished

kelley digloria at mindspring.com
Wed May 19 17:37:45 PDT 1999

Carrol Cox wrote:

>Pure positivism, i.e. the mindless assumption that facts explain themselves.
>See Marx on Providence in *Poverty of Philosophy*.

hilarity on ice, carrol, since charles is far more of a marxist positivist than i'll *ever* be. furthermore, you simply confirm my claims through a performative contradiction. i'm wrong because you/marx are right. i'm not allowed in the hallowed halls of True Believer Academy because i just don't agree and have an argument in the rest of that post that you fail to bother to address. i'm seeing boudnaries all over the place here. gates with keepers even.

sorry i'm just not one o them thar utopians who think that the ultimate aufhebung of reconciliation is possible or even desirable.

just a stupid youngin' i guess. kelley

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