Where's BB King and Pol Pot?

Paul Henry Rosenberg rad at gte.net
Thu May 20 12:14:14 PDT 1999

kelley wrote:

> >but in
> >another sense, weren't fascism and nazism marked by the fantasy of a
> >harmonious nation where antagonism was relegated to the outside in the figure
> as was colonial early nationalist US against barbaric, decadent, dying
> Europe {city on a hill}, the barbaric native americans, and 'wild,
> uncivilized nature.' perhaps more abstract but telling example,
> particularly when you speak of phantasy, as it is clear that early US
> nationalism was founded upon the domination of a wild nature to which
> humankind brought civility. nature that generic Other as i'm sure you know.

Not so abstract when you consider its presentation by Richard Slotkin in *Regeneration Through Violence*, for instance. The merging of the Puritans others was a paranoid wonder to behold, and can be found quite concretely in the pages of specific texts.

-- Paul Rosenberg Reason and Democracy rad at gte.net

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