The weakness of the anti-war movement

t byfield tbyfield at
Thu May 20 14:08:44 PDT 1999

> Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 19:05:44 +0100
> From: Jim heartfield <jim at>
> Subject: Re: The weakness of the anti-war movement


> Yes indeed there is evidence of terrible censorship in the Yugoslav
> Republic. The murder of an oppositional journalist was a low point in
> the official manipulation of the news. But you should face up to the
> fact that the most serious act of censorship in Serbia was the bombing
> of a TV station by Nato. As you will remember, Tony Blair actually

this is an extremely ill-informed and silly statement. i take it you started paying attention to the issue when the war began? please remember that the current FYU regime arose out of the very vibrant titoist apparatus, which, though relatively enlightened by east bloc standards, was hardly a libertarian outpost. 'regu- latory' harassment of media outlets--confiscation of transmitters and printing presses, etc.--has been a staple of the milosevic regime from Day One. and he hardly thought the idea up himself. if you would like to walk backwards through this history, copy the phrase "Studio B" and paste it into the search field of a browser pointed at (e.g.) altavista or google.

hope this helps.

cheers, ted

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