wicked projects

rc-am rcollins at netlink.com.au
Sun May 23 21:01:15 PDT 1999

M:>>>>But can you name a document
>>>>anywhere else that does the job better?

A: >>Das Kapital - it's big and if you throw it real hard, it can break stuff.

M:>erm, I meant one that was in use as the legal boundary
>for a national government.

very few people in Australia have read the Australian constitution, much less take it seriously. there are downsides to this, of course. but the reason it's not taught in schools, fawned over in speeches, regarded as constitutive of 'the Australian people', is that it's actually a sub-section of a statute of the British parliament. how distressing this has been for Australian patriots.

Angela --- rcollins at netlink.com.au

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