censorship - the new australian pledge of allegience

Charles Brown CharlesB at CNCL.ci.detroit.mi.us
Thu May 27 10:36:46 PDT 1999

Sounds like bourgeois totalitarianism to me, bourgeois big brother.

Charles Brown

>>> "rc-am" <rcollins at netlink.com.au> 05/27/99 01:26PM >>>
the legislation (see below) passed today. from this day on, I promise to not call for the abolition of capitalism, talk about rude things, ferment civil disobedience, mutter about the need for a general strike, show you my family photos, moan about the government, distribute any material which shows the results of violence and war, or otherwise scare the children. I will be good - I might no longer exist.

Angela ---

>Help fight censorship Sign the Senate Petition:


On April 21st 1999 the Australian government tabled

sweeping Internet censorship legislation. This legislation

threatens the freedom of Australian Internet users and

the future of our economy - but will not achieve its

claimed goal of protecting children.

--- Fighting Internet Censorship in Australia http://www.anatomy.usyd.edu.au/danny/freedom/ --- On this site you will find a wide

range of information concerning attempts

around the world to censor what we can say

and see on the Internet, with primary focus

on the Australian situation. http://rene.efa.org.au/liberty/ -- Obscene e-mails could become illegal http://www.abc.net.au/news/1999/05/item19990527060840_1.htm Thu, 27 May 1999

The Federal Government has revealed some private e-mails could be illegal under new Internet censorship laws if they include obscene material.

The new legislation, passed yesterday, empowers the Australian Broadcasting Authority to order the removal or blocking of pornography and other offensive

material on websites, newsgroups and databases. ---

Anti-Censorship Action in Australia Friday

May 28th, around the country http://www.efa.org.au/Campaigns/may28/index.html


cyber panics http://www.efa.org.au/Campaigns/may28/index.html


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