censorship - the new australian pledge of allegience

rc-am rcollins at netlink.com.au
Sat May 29 08:36:49 PDT 1999

>Oooer ... I've made you cross, haven't I, Ange?
>Which bit annoyed you most? Mebbe we can exploit our Ozzie
>easy-to-be-aroundness and talk this one out.

cross? no, rob. I was musing on your definition of the australian national character in the middle of thinking about the censorship laws. the musing was this: if I'm not easy to get along with, does that mean I'm not a true australian? (...yep, it's my reflexive 'national definitions exclude things' line. boring I know.)

and, will censorship mean a lessening of conflict or a heightening of it, as in: I suspect that any charges laid under such laws will entail opposition unless the 'criminals' are so marginalised, of course?

but I wasn't cross.

more importantly, aren't you a communications lecturer or somesuch? what do you make of the new laws?

Angela --- rcollins at netlink.com.au

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