Double Bubble Trouble

Dennis R Redmond dredmond at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU
Thu Nov 4 17:14:14 PST 1999

Well, it's official: the ECB raised short-term interest rates to 3%, despite flatlining inflation rates and 10% European-wide unemployment (it's true that the EU economy is beginning to noticeably accelerate, thanks to juicy EU subsidies to the semi-peripheries and a noticeable but hesitant turn towards Eurokeynesianism). This isn't likely to slow down the EU much, since EU inflation plus real growth is around 4.5% (meaning, monetary policy is fairly easy), but things could get very, *very* ugly on Wall Street over the next few weeks. The EU credit spigot is being slowly tightened, which is bad news for be-bubbled overseas debtors like the US.

-- Dennis

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