Ideology vs. Science vs. Sciencism vs. Superman vs. ...

Michael Hoover hoov at
Sat Nov 6 08:05:47 PST 1999

> In his chapter "Ideology" in _Marxism and Literature_ Raymond Williams
> discusses the several meanings of "ideology" in its history. Its original
> meaning was actually as a branch of zoology, but that has changed, and as
> Jim and Yoshie argue , it is contrasted with science.
> CB

Meaning of word 'ideologie' that Antoine Destutt de Tracy coined in 1790s to refer to new 'science of ideas' had very short-term currency. By 1830s, three other senses of term had superseded his explicit use designating empirical science of ideas - 1) denoting affliation to form of secular liberal republicanism; 2) perjorative connotation implying intellectual and practical sterility as well as dangerous radicalsim; 3) indicating political doctrine.

Among meanings attached to ideology are: political belief system action-oriented set of political ideas ideas of ruling class world view of particular social class or group political ideas embodying/articulating class or social interests ideas propogating false consciousness amongst exploited/oppressed ideas situating individual within social context and generating sense

of collective belonging officially sanctioned set of ideas used to legitimize political system/regime all-embracing political doctrine claiming monopoly on truth asbtract and highly systematic set of political ideas

If memory serves, Terry Eagleton identifies sixteen meanings/uses of word ideology in his appropriately entitled book _Ideology_. Michael Hoover

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