> For detailed information on Bubbleboy, go to the following web site.
> http://www.Europe.Datafellows.com/v-descs/bubb-boy.htm
> Be advised that this worm has not been released into the wild yet, as
> far as we know. The following message from computer support at the
> University of Minnesota at Morris describes the expected scope. I
> believe it does not affect Windows NT and it does not affect
> Macintosh, as it doesn't use ActiveX. Windows 98 and 2000 use
> ActiveX.
What is this crap? WinNT and Win95 most certainly do use ActiveX? I don't know anything (nor much care) about the latest scary virus infecting M$'s hopelessly broken e-mail tools, but I know the above is simply false.
Stick to Pine (or, if you *must* do it on Winoze, Eudora) and you won't have these kinds of problems.
Joseph Noonan jfn1 at msc.com