
Katha Pollitt kpollitt at thenation.com
Fri Nov 12 09:42:50 PST 1999

I've been following the discussion flowing from alex's column with some bemusement. How quickly the talk moved away from issues of women, feminism, sexism, Satanic panic -- the things alex and I were both supposedly writing about -- and moved into the usual androcentric grooves: militias, Doug versus Alex, etc. I would think it would be at least a little bit interesting that Wendy Kaminer, cited by alex as a "good" feminist" on the ritual abuse issue, criticized him severely in the same letters column as Doug!


ps. Max, The New York Press is a foulmouthed and stupid rightwing giveaway paper here in New York, for which Alex, for reasons best known to himself, writes a column. It's read by media junkies like Doug and the kind of guy who you suspect is building bombs in the garage -- or, more likely, wishes he could but his mom won't let him. It's obsessed with attacking The Nation--sometimes I think they're the only people who read it! -- and Alex is glad to oblige, retailing office gossip and insulting his colleagues in particularly grotesque and underhanded ways. I'm a favorite punching bag at NYP -- "bubbly faghag" is my favorite insult so far.

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