NYT on Bulgaria

elena elena at elits.rousse.bg
Sun Nov 14 04:54:33 PST 1999

An afterthought: Ms Doncheva's appeal "In Bulgaria, 10 Years of Misery" (The New York Times, November 11, 1999, Thursday, Late Edition - Final) is unsubstantial for another reason: the government hasn't failed to fulfil their promise in Programme2001, part 1 FUTURE FOR BULGARIA http://www.govrn.bg/eng/oficial_docs/index.html: " We are aware that the

activities we are undertaking today will be having impact for DECAYS ahead." (my caps.) If anyone out here likes reading sci-fi thrillers, go ahead and read the whole Programme... So, Doug, why don't you write a "WallStreet" style book or article or anythoing on Eastern Europe for a change? Could use "Gorky Park" or "The Mystery of Bulgarian Vices" for a title??? Or have I missed a serious discussion on Eastern Europe, apart from the NYT reprint and Chris's internet (r)evolution?

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