Hollywood and NFTA

dhorne at bc.sympatico.ca dhorne at bc.sympatico.ca
Wed Nov 17 08:16:00 PST 1999

At 07:55 PM 11/16/1999 -0800, you wrote:
>>The movie industry does exactly what all industry in the US
>>does--export bulk labor cost, i.e. exploit some other, cheaper, more
>>docile labor pool and avoid US regulatory mechanisms in business,
>>labor, environment, and health law.
>In social-democratic Canada??
>This sounds, to me, a lot like: "you buy our movies, but don't you
>dare make one..."
>Brad DeLong

Canada is not nearly as socially democratic as some of us would like to see, but we do have fairly decent standards of conduct in many areas. In most cases I'd put our environmental, labor, and health standards on an equal or better footing with the US. As I pointed out in a previous post, every yankee buck buys $1.41 worth of goods and services. That's the difference that counts.

David Horne Vancouver BC

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