Answering Jose was Re: Replying to Brian was Re:Referendum Down Under

Katha Pollitt kpollitt at
Thu Nov 18 20:23:28 PST 1999

Carroll, the unspeakable in pursuit of the >uneatable< i believe it was.

I don't care what Louis Proyect thinks about me. I know you are trying to be open and above board and encourage debate, but I have zero interest in discussing my writing with him on this or any other list.

I think there's no question that the vanity and hot-air-ballooning he --and thousands of others -- have noted among the mini-celebs of the left, is related to the decline of a mass left. Deprived of reality checks, not mention the opportunity to go after the official enemies of their sect, and unable to get a rise out of the mainstream, which regards the left as too marginal to bother with, there's a tendency to form a party of one. Or, in Proyect's case, minus one.

Who was it who said, all the trouble in life comes from man's inability to sit quietly in a room? pascal, I think.Of course, the Internet has changed that. Now you can sit quietly in a room and make trouble at the same time!


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