why Salon is bad for lefty idealism

Peter Kilander peterk at enteract.com
Mon Nov 22 12:55:56 PST 1999


"Listening to Rage's records is like being attacked by a mad chow while a team of circus clowns whacks you in the head with leaded whiffle bats."

OK, that is funny, but the rest of Gavin McNett's review betrays a bad case of what Nussbaum described as "hipster defeatism," which runs rampant at Salon.

"The enemies that Rage are fighting are atavistic bogeymen like censorship, conformity and White Men in Suits."

Quoi? Exsqueeze me?

Even if you don't like their music and don't agree 100% with their message, Rage is a Pied Piper leading kids into politics. And they are immensely popular. Just the other day, the young, purple-haired Philippino woman who was cutting my hair told me how much she loved Rage which led to an enjoyable conversation about their politics - something she didn't know that much about - and politics in general.

Peter K.

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