The Age of Self

Michael Pugliese debsian at
Wed Nov 24 22:42:12 PST 1999

The Age Of Self (Wyatt) They say the working class is dead, we're all consumers now They say that we have moved ahead - we're all just people now There's people doing 'frightfully well' there's others on the shelf But never mind the second kind this is the age of self They say we need new images to help our movement grow They say that life is broader based as if we didn't know While Martin J. and Robert M. play with printer's ink The workers 'round the world still die for Rio Tinto Zinc And it seems to me if we forget Our roots and where we stand The movement will disintegrate Like castles built on sand

>From Robert's album, "Old Rottenhatt." The only album rock album I know which mentions Chomsky, though Wyatt attributes the phrase ,"A herd of independent minds," to Noam, I believe it from Partisan Review art critic Harold Rosenberg. Any PR readers out there to confirm, or one with a copy of the Alan Wald opus?

Michael Pugliese

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