stinking functionalists

kelley kcwalker at
Mon Oct 4 15:46:24 PDT 1999

chazmatazz baby! wonders.......

>Charles: Whatever happened to the Judith Butler reading ? Are the answers
there , ferfucksake ?

HAH! i wondered if any o' you buoyz recalled a late night comment to the effect that mebbe butler [et al.] could help us understand how discourse is productive insofar as it defines how we understand our bodies/physical responses -- i.e., that westerners seem to think that height of sexual pleasure=ejaculation. [as in the long time search for a corollary event in females, etc etc.]

btw, chaz, i wonder what ted byfield would think of your claim that [re] dick size has something to do with diet. hah! you said this once, around the same time we were trying to get a butler reading off the ground. what say you now?

oh well, chaz, the snit's back for a bit. i see you've missed me!

<sniff> you love me. you really love me! <blubber>

snitgrrRl fields aka barbie, barbarella, kY, killer, miss kelley, k

PS., actually, i won't be around all that much coz the Snit, along with Ken and Kirsten, have started a new list. and one o' the reasons that i've been buried in lurk mode, among other things is that the ol' snitgrrRl has been larnin' me how to build a web page and make kewloneato graphics. if the snit does a reading of butler anywhere it will be on the new list most likely.

smoochy smooch, K

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