When she learned of this she started moaning, "Why does everything have to be McDonald's?"
I gave her Monopoly Capitalism to read.
It's like the anti-trust laws from the days of the trustbusters at the
beginning of this century: a hoax. Yea , Teddy Roosevelt was a trustbuster.
He'll take care of J.P. Morgan for the everyday people, ha ha, no kidding
tee hee).
Since 19oo we have truly been in _monopoly_ capitalism, with monopoly competition, and bigger monopolies today than ever before.
>>> Tom Lehman <uswa12 at Lorainccc.edu> 10/05/99 08:11AM >>>
I was under the impression that the official reason for the breakup of
ATT and the Bell System was to introduce competition into the
telecommunications business. So, after all these years of annoying
phone calls and junk mail from outfits like MCI and Sprint the new
paradigm is back to mergers and consolidation of operations. Talk about
Tom Lehman