Who pulled my bloody chain? (re: oppression and food stamps)

kelley oudies at flash.net
Tue Oct 12 06:01:43 PDT 1999

> whinging farmers

lookee here buoyz. world peace would be had once and for all if you'd just start spelling things CORRECTLY. it's whining. no g. there is no such thing as recognise. it's recogniZe ferfucksake. and you should all get rid of the superfluous U in color becaue it only belongs in buoy -- coz you're all a bunch of bobbing airbags and i've renamed this list. it is sometimes lame brained oeconimus. lately it is left bonehead onanists.

omigod! i just remembered. it's nationalmasturbation month. [pls put all dirtywords together in this fashion in order to fool dd's censor] and we're 11/12 daze cumming into it. right? here are some questions, the answers to which are like horribleschope profiles:

left? both? totally nude? or do you like to keep some clothes on to leave a little to your imagination? wash cloth? bucket? eric's sock? are you a red-green wanker or perhaps even a luddite and like to keep it natural? or do you fetishize technology and go for the gizmos and gadgets.

if so, here's something for you. i found this while surfing around for a pic of a remote control [honest!!] for our web page.


there is a lso a remote control butt plug. i don't know about anyone else, but i'm having a HARD time trying to figure out why we'd need a remote control here? i mean i know the cords and the on/off speed control thingy is a little annoying. but hey! i can't see how it could be any more annoying than the remote. perhaps we're getting off topic here. whatevA. maybe it's the sophistication of the techology here. or maybe it's just that they wanted to give dd a way to get off at work without having anyone wonder why he has wires and speed control thingy hanging off his belt?

btw, interalia i've learned that calling chaz chaz is racist. ha ha ha. of course, i started calling him this when i was going by snitgrrRl and i explicitly told chaz when i first started typing it that way that i called him that because he was black activist and i thought it was funny to call him such a white name. in the US it clearly signifies white suburbanian elites of the country club set. i had already told him that humour errrr i mean humor would be an indispensable asset in these matters. but no mind. i only ever pick on black people because i'm a racist pig and i never call people silly names that sometimes have a theoretical/political point: doug daddy, eric twitbuoy, ange the lollipop lady [school crossing guard in au.], cantakerous carrol, bilious byfield, ken doll, maxhunkhoney, wojtek sweetcheeks, etc.....

heck chaz after the claim about self assuredness i started calling you chazmatazz!

not even to mention that you're a total shit for not bothering to note that on pen-l and m-fem i explained that i called you that out of affection.

ferfucksake. but you see chaz none of this bothers me because the rhetoric is completely empty and hollow and, as a bud of mine once noted: an asshole is a vacuum-at-the-center, a black hole, where everything is sucked into a destructive vortex."

and yes doug, i'll stop flaming and stick to slutty humor. i'm far better at the latter coz that's what workin' class chicks are best at. and since i'm a bit of a perfectionist [except with the spilling] then i'm damn if i ain't gonna try my spittin' best to be the ace at that endeavor and keep this list entertained.

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