>>> Tom Lehman <TLEHMAN at lor.net> 10/12/99 05:53PM >>>
If you wonder how anti-union measures ever get passed into law, Ohio
Bill 78 is a primary example. This bill passed the Ohio house of
representatives by a margin of 94-1. It is now before the Ohio Senate
judiciary committee. Unless it is delayed in this committee it will be
passed into law.
This is not a real obvious anti-union, anti-worker bill. Hidden in legal terminology and jargon are fundamental changes in Ohio corporate law that will make it easier for the directors and officers of corporations to further insulate themselves from lawsuits, share holder actions and workers rights.
If anyone is interested I'd be glad to share some analysis of this bill with you.
This departure in corporate law will make it easier to close plants, bust unions and poison the environment!
Charles: Yes, Tom. It seems the only thing we have working for us is the "law" of diminshining returns. How much easier can it get for them to close plants, bust unions and poison the environment ?
I think we need a little good old fashion, you know what .