help corporations rule the whole effin world

kelley oudies at
Thu Oct 14 06:26:15 PDT 1999

HA!. this is ACE! check it out from corp watch.

click on this site to help corporation rule the WHOLE fucking world (takes you to that idiotic hunger site)

i can't even believe, burford, that you support that UN netlaid site. fercryin out loud, that's just the kind of site that plays on the Hidden Injuries of Class and precisely in the same meaningless ways that you pointed out people are apt to do: the badges don't measure ability any more and no doubt that the badges of symbolic, feel good, salve my guilty conscious don't mean a whole heck of a lot either.

in fact, i just got a sweet little post from a lefty feminist list encouraging everyone to visit the hungersite with a message that essentially said, "here you don't have to do anything, just pointa clicka no thinka"

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