>8. During the first week of this month, in Manhattan's $229 per night
>(a special rate!) Millennium Broadway Hotel, a conference was held with
>the title, "Market-Driven Higher Education." The blurb for this
>conference states, "It's Not Just Business, It's Your Future: Is Higher
>Education for Sale? You bet it is. And everyonecorporations,
>non-profits, government agencieswants a piece of it. How do you take
>advantage of market-driven education?" At this conference one could
>hear such luminaries as Benno Schmidt (former president of Yale and
>advisor on CCNY for America's Mussolini, Rudolf Giuliani) expound on
>such topics as "What the Market Wants," and The University Toolbox," (to
>discuss "creating for-profit subsidiaries, finding start-up capital,
>structuring deals, solving intellectual property problems, and more.")
>Remarkably, the organizers of the conference tell attendees that you
>will "learn new ways of doing business, explore innovative deals and
>joint ventures, discover what funding sources want for their investment
>dollars, cope with resistance on the home front, and still retain your
>core values."
The crack LBO investigative team is all over this story. Look for the definitive piece on the whole repellent phenomenon in December or January.