Up, down, inside out! (Re: litcritter bashing)

Dennis R Redmond dredmond at OREGON.UOREGON.EDU
Fri Oct 29 03:35:39 PDT 1999

On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Les Schaffer wrote:

> that s-s-s-s-illy (s-s-s-s-ideways) quark makes for oddball stuff and
> so is s-s-s-s-trange indeed. in S-Q space the s (strange) quark is
> neither up nor down from the up quark, but sits kitty corner to it.

So, technically, the gluon gun mentioned in Half-Life could, conceivably, be built, right? (OK, so it would take a cyclotron the size of Kamchatka, we knew that already). I'm just asking because I have this job interview over at Black Mesa's newly-installed Community College extension. The administrator mentioned that the diversity of the student population was "pos-s-s-s-itively... cosmological."

-- Dennis (following in the footsteps of Dr. Morbius)

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