>>> "Michael Hoover" <hoov at freenet.tlh.fl.us> 10/28/99 05:15PM >>>
Program! Program! Getchyer Program! Can't Tell Socialism Without a Program!
cooperatives (of various kinds), councils (of various kinds), economic
democracy, egalitarian democracy, democratic socialism, market socialism
(various modeals) socialized markets, participatory planning, public
ownership (various models), feasible socialism, 'thin' socialism, stake-
holding, ESOPs, profit sharing (ok, by-no-means exhaustive list really
degenerates towards end)...
centralized state planning (or whatever 'actually existing socialism' was) disqualified on account of past performance...
Socialism: an 'idea' whose time has not yet come?
Indeed, indeed, Michael,
Socialism utopian and scientific. "Soviet" means council.
Popcorn, peanuts, popcorn socialism.
Mark Solomon says when socialism comes to the U.S. it will be called baseball.