>> anyway, yes, while trying to destroy a palmetto bug this
>> afternoon after i
to which nooner comments
>You crack me up -- spoken like a native Floridian, using the
>euphemism "palmetto bug" to describe a huge flying *roach*.
>heh, heh.
heh. tell jordan. i called it a roach. mocked floridians for calling them friggin palmetto bugs and then being so bold as to name streets, cul-de-sacs and housing developments after 'em. it's even the state insect i hear! he informed me that they weren't cockroaches. ha ha. i wanted to agree--not generally the way jordan and i relate to one another at all--but only because this would confirm my suspicion that my native floridian step mother is a big fibber and/or as dumb as i thought she was. but alas, the net revealed the sucker to be a cockroach. and it is a fight to the death. it is going to be me or him. only one of us can survive this. there is no possibility of reconciliation or aufhebung here.
but i don't know. it seems that you can't kill these suckers and you can't get them to obey your space needs. he's huge, the size of two quarters and not that fast. and yet, i slammed that beast with my sneaker dead on and good and hard and he escaped. twice now. he has been sprayed with every lethal substance i have in this house. you'd think WD40 or superclean would do the trick. nope. not even sticky hair gel. he even survived a flush downt the can. ahhh well, i've decided to name him "fuckwad" and enjoy the fight.
as for going native. well as i tole ya: my son asked for sausage gravy and biscuits a coupla months ago, so it's inevitable.
yours in struggle, heh kelley