No First Amendment Rights for Lefts

Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Fri Oct 29 08:51:25 PDT 1999

[bounced for a taboo word]

Date: Fri, 29 Oct 1999 11:44:25 -0400 From: "Charles Brown" <CharlesB at>

Forward !


The March of the Americas was stopped by police this morning, [Thursday, October 28, 1999] at approximately 8:00 am in Irvington, New Jersey. Cheri Honkala, National Spokesperson for the March of the Americas and the Director of the Kensington Welfare Rights Union is now being held in an Irvington jail.

Please help us. Call the Irvington police and inquire about Cheri Honkala: 973-399-6600

Thank you!


Poor and homeless families from all of the Americas, including families from Canada, the United States and Latin America are marching from Washington, DC to the United Nations in New York City in a March of the Americas: Continuing the March for Our Lives.

We are marching 10 miles a day for 30 days, setting up Tent Cities every night, and holding press conferences and protests in local communities. We are speaking to the effects of poverty and welfare reform, and sponsoring tribunals and cultural events along the entire route. This month-long march brings together poor people from around the United States who are organizing for their survival. The March is also an effort to link up the struggles internationally against the inequities arising from globalization.

The March of the Americas is organized by the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign, a network of over 40 poor people's organizations from across the U.S. The network expands from public housing residents facing the demolition of their housing in Chicago, to welfare recipients about to be cut off assistance in Philadelphia; from farm workers working for poverty wages in Florida to work fare workers organizing in San Francisco. In the United States, the richest country in the world, increasing numbers of people - especially children - are struggling harder and harder to survive. Despite record corporate profits most people in this country are experiencing falling wages, corporate downsizing and underemployment. Recent welfare reform has led to increasing hunger, homelessness and death.

In addition to the poor and homeless families who are organizing the march, members of the religious community, labor unions, students, social workers, lawyers, doctors, nurses and other allies provide essential support for this historic event.

For more information on the march, see:


Kensington Welfare Rights Union NUHHCE, ASFCME, AFL-CIO PO Box 50678 Philadelphia, PA 19132-9720 Phone: 215-203-1945 Fax: 215-203-1950 email: kwru at web:


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