What the heck?

Tom Lehman TLEHMAN at lor.net
Sat Oct 30 09:58:50 PDT 1999

Jordan, congrats for hitting the big casino!!!

If you've got a few extra dollars to burn, the locked out and scabbed on Steelworkers at Kaiser Aluminum here in Ohio are looking for Thanksgiving and Christmas money for their children and families. Their portfolios are empty at this time.

Then if your in a super generous mood there are the locked out and scabbed upon Steelworkers at AKS Armco here in Ohio too. Of course they have only been out in the street for a couple of months.

Write me and I'll tell you where to send a few dollars.

Tom Lehman

Jordan Hayes wrote:

> | From jordan Thu Oct 21 10:37:23 1999
> |
> | > it's a good day to be long!
> |
> | In the interest of full disclosure, I bought the Jan '00 OEX 720
> | call at 13-3/8 (last price: 13-5/8, I'm up 1%!) when the OEX itself
> | was at 670.
> I closed out this position today at 33 as the OEX briefly touched
> 720, putting these guys in the money; thanks, Doug!
> /jordan

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