AFL-CIO on the WTO

Lisa & Ian Murray seamus at
Sun Oct 31 12:38:30 PST 1999

mbs wrote>>An interesting sidelight here is that the unions do not line up "left-right" on this issue. The Teamsters and building trades are closer to the UAW and steelworkers on this, while the SEIU and AFSCME are in concert with the teachers.


One would think that the service sector unions [especially teachers and AFSCME] would be foaming at the mouth at the GATS 2000 in the WTO especially with regards to open international bidding on govt. procurement, which will open up all kinds of privatization scams as well as give imprimatur to even stranger education voucher strategies. The Canadians are way out front on this and November should present enormous opportunities for cross border strategizing/organizing on this issue. Funny how progressives are actually being forced to play conservative on some of these issues.


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