Mike Moore @ WTO

Peter Kilander peterk at enteract.com
Thu Sep 2 16:45:36 PDT 1999

>As a New Zealander I ( amongst the rest of our benighted population) know
>quite a bit about Mike ( lamb burger) Moore. The lamb burger reference
>refers to the time when as minister of Overseas Trade Moore came up with
>idea of overcoming New Zealand's precarious economic situation by
>the world that lamb not beef should be the way burgers should go. This is
>unfortunately rather typical of Moore who thinks more often with his mouth
>than his cerebral cortex.
>really only got going after the US came in behind him. He is the author of
>8 "books", one in which he mentions the Common Wealth's Secretariat's
>Report Protectionism Threat to International Order as particularly
>influencing his thinking. His most of recent is a paean to the benefits
>the global economy and the market. As head honcho for the WTO Moore will
>definitely press for further liberalisation in trade and finance. Mike
>the workers "friend"
------------------------------------ Is it an irony or a coincidince or something more meaningful that this summer the Clinton Administration slapped tarrifs on not only steel (from Brazil and Japan, not Russia) but on lamb?

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