buying professors

Doug Henwood dhenwood at
Wed Sep 8 10:23:59 PDT 1999

Nathan Newman wrote:

>Actually, Posner in his textbook ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF LAW (the bible of the
>conservative law and econ types) argues:
>"The eocnomic arguements for criminalization of the drug trade are rather
>unimpressive. Similar arguments could, after all, be made for outlawing
>alcoholic beverages (whose third-party effects, via accidents, are greater
>than those of illegal drugs) and even cigarettes (cigarettes are much less
>likely to be implicated in accidents, but they probably are more
>self-destructive - and addictive - than most illegal drugs.)...precisely
>because alcohol and tobacco are close, and legal, substitutes for illegal
>drugs, even a complete victory in the war on drugs might not lead to a
>significant decline in the problems that motivated the war." (267)

Well, Clinton & Co. (Hillary most definitely included) are doing their best to criminalize cigarettes, and no doubt booze is next.

Speaking of Hillary, how about her critique of Bill's (conditional) pardon of the Puerto Rican "terrorists"? One of the few half-decent things the guy's done, too. She's more of an authoritarian than he is.


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