Once More With Feeling

Max Sawicky sawicky at epinet.org
Thu Sep 9 12:14:05 PDT 1999

Indeed. Opposing a military invasion is not the same as "anti-interventionism" or "isolationism," however. (Let us avoid using euphemisms such as military intervention and peace-keeping.) Leftists should intervene and focus on pressuring Washington, London, Tokyo, etc. to stop all aids to Indonesia immediately. And if you can't accomplish that much, what's the hope of leftists shaping the direction of a military invasion as you imagine? Nil. Stoping aids will be good for the East Timorese and may be good for the Indonesian Left as well (the latter does exist, which makes the situation different from Iraq and Yugoslavia, where left oppositions have hardly existed).

True enough that if you can't stop aid, you can't instigate peace-keeping. However, if you did stop aid, you might still need peace-keeping. An aid cut-off is the logical first step, though in view of the uncertainty of its effect, and the situation on the ground, I would also support immediate intervention, invasion, or whatever you want to call it by UN troops, or failing that, the US and/or OZ.


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