Cyber Yugoslavia

elena spectra at
Thu Sep 9 15:56:53 PDT 1999

Dear Yoshie, Pathetic it may be, but it is not the Deridaean type of clean, well-lighted place. Maybe you missed some of the irony (is there such an expression - self-sarcasm?) And it feels very nostalgically end-of-socialist, too (if you like reading fiction/watching films, Russian/ex-Soviet, ex-soc countries, made in the 80's particularly). Even such escapist spaces could be used because right over here, there's too little protest of any kind, anyway, and if the left can use it as a jumping-board - what's wrong with that? Another pathetic suggestion to you: if all we do in "real life" doesn't seem to help much, why should we discard even if the smallest chance to reach more people - most of the subscribers (at least when I last checked) were from the Balkan region (and mostly Yugo)? CyberYugo is not CyberAmerica; and cyberopposition is not the substitute for "real" opposition - at least, not in Yugoslavia. Cyber Yugo may turn out just a bubble; still, why not try? I don't mean *you, personally*. Sidebar: just curious, who would you recommend to send your greetings to re: blackmail going on in post-war Yugoslavia (the real one), corrupting whatever opposition there's now left by coercing it to strike a deal with EU, etc? That, or "let them freeze to death" (doug's post, i think)?

>Oh, the pathos of postmodern homelessness.... Please send my best regards
>and the following URL to Jacques D. Yoshie

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