>>> Yoshie Furuhashi <furuhashi.1 at osu.edu> 09/12/99 12:49PM >>>
While I think neither the following review nor the book reviewed is of
particular interest to those who are subbed to lbo and/or pen-l, it is
important for us to remind ourselves that (1) "interventions in
humanitarian crises" have always been part of imperialist discourse of
legitimation and that (2) those who are associated with the
military-industrial complex (including its ideological functionaries such
as military historians) are keenly aware of the increased value of
"humanitarian" discourse after the demise of the USSR & the Cold War: it
can fragment the left and it is useful as an argument for a larger military
Charles: Wilson sold U.S. intervention in WWI, the classic imperialist war of all times, on "making the world free for democracy" , a quite generalized humantarian or human rights slogan.