Adjuncts (was Re: Graying Professoriate)

Yoshie Furuhashi furuhashi.1 at
Mon Sep 13 17:11:38 PDT 1999

>Organize a radical, membership-run, socially-aware union. Period. If you
>already have a union, get involved with the thing, get elected to its
>board and push it to the Left. As we say in the grad union movement, today
>grads, tomorrow profs!
>-- Dennis

I entirely agree with you on the fundamental importance of unionizing, and I'd like to have a union at OSU, too. As of now, neither profs, nor GAs, nor adjuncts are organized here. We have a group of grads who want a union, but the size of this group has fluctuated (some left here -- because they got jobs, transferred, quit academe altogether, etc. -- and others come and go) wildly for the last couple of years, and we've yet to attain what looks like a critical mass. In Ohio, grad students are specifically named and excluded from the sections that deal with collective bargaining of the Ohio Revised Code, so I think it will be one hell of a struggle even with a critical mass.

BTW, are adjuncts organized anywhere in the US? If so, how?


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