East Timor [was East Timor: the optimist's scenario]

Chris Burford cburford at gn.apc.org
Wed Sep 15 00:24:31 PDT 1999

At 22:37 14/09/99 -0500, you wrote:
>Roger Odisio wrote:
>> So it is now clear that the terms under which much of the debate has been
>> held–whether or not intervention should be called for or supported–are
>Roger still conceals the weird assumptions on which his argument is based --
>the assumption that what any marxist anywhere *said* was going to make
>an actual difference in whether or when any intervention occurred in
>East Timor. This assumption that mere opinion, or mere expression of
>opinion on a maillist, can under these conditions make a difference shows
>a basic lack or seriousness non Roger's part. He seems more interested
>in establishing his own moral sensibility than in trying to determine what
>difference the opinions of marxists at this time might make.

Ah, Carrol must have for once been keeping to his undertaking never to read my posts.

But in case he does, or for reference of anyone else, can I refer again to the passage in Engels letter to Bloch 21 Sept 1890 where he discusses this issue of hopelessness and comes to a conclusion quite different to that of Carrol's depressive revolutionary solipsism.

Lest that seems personally too harsh to Carrol let me point out that his position covers an opportunist and untenable distortion of marxism (no compromises with imperialism!) which Louis Proyect can defend on his marxism list only by censorship, despite LP's claim on the web page that the list is open to a wide range of marxist thinking. Not a very impressive sign of confidence in such a position that it fears criticism. At least Carrol has repeated his hopeless proposition here on LBO talk.

Chris Burford


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