Well, Elena, unfortunately for peoples in the Balkans, that's not on TV in the USA. You know that nowadays leftists like Nathan feel comfortable letting their agenda set by the mass media (despite all the good debunking done by folks at FAIR, the CAQ, etc.). What's most brutal is what the mass media says is most brutal (quiet deaths of malnourished infants, sufferings of the unemployed & the underpaid, painful diseases caused by pollution, etc. in impoverished countries that take place every day are, by media standards, of course not brutal -- that's business as usual). And there's nothing like cruise missiles, DU, & other toxic substances when it comes to curing the 'disease of brutality' in poor countries (you know that Nathan, like American doctors, is a believer in heroic medicine -- 'do no harm' is not a great marketing watchword).
As to the environmental disaster in the Balkans, wait until some multinational comes up with a costly environmental clean-up package, a medical treatment to remedy birth defects, or some such 'altruistically-minded' service and make a vast profit by selling it to people whose lives got destroyed in the process of making the world safe for foreign investments and liberal moralism; then we'll see it featured on the mass media.