weeding out criminals

Martin Schiller mart555 at inow.com
Tue Sep 21 12:01:39 PDT 1999

Doug Henwood said on 9/21/99 10:26 AM

>Why are there so many sacrifices associated with mothering? Do you
>think that there are reasons other than fear that might motivate a
>woman not to become a mother, or become a mother again? Like go to
>college or learn how to sculpt or, heaven forbid, trade junk bonds?
>Do you think that maybe men should make a few more sacrifices and
>women a few less? Or is it just their fate as women to sacrifice?

Doesn't fear of not being able to go to college register on your meter? Or fear of not being able to partake of social opportunities? Do you think that all fear is the same as your fear? If fear is too loaded a term for your sensitivity I provided a few alternatives such as "unwillingness". Seems like you're in debate mode and I was merely offering an idea. You could have said "No thank you." instead of accusing me of wanting to gas babies, thank you.

>Uh, you mean feminists haven't used free abortion on demand as a
>galvanizing issue? Or that feminists don't count?
>Sure it's a divisive issue. Lots of issues are divisive and rightly
>so. The critique of capitalism and imperialism are divisive issues.
>The abortion issue divides people with different views about the
>social role of women.

Bridging all of the sectors is the concept that I was presenting, not galvanizing the members of one particular sector. I don't have any particular ideas about the social role of women that I can distinguish from the social role of men, but as far as gender roles within the species - bearing children is the role of women. When they are unwilling to bear children because of social dynamics then you have an issue that can galvanize *all* sectors of the society regardless of their views of abortion as a particular violation of human rights of women or children. An issue that "galvanizes" *all* sectors is the particular feature of using "the abortion issue" as an index/barometer of social health.

I'm certainly not the best spokesman for a point like this because I've managed to mis-communicate what is a simple and lucid concept. But unfortunately this wasn't the correct forum for what I was trying to do.

fin, Martin

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