Suck meets the anti-ironist

Tom Lehman uswa12 at
Thu Sep 23 12:41:34 PDT 1999

Here's an interesting little story about one of Jed's neighbors in Calhoun County,

You can read about the latest in the West Virginia irony wars, or at least the Calhoun County version,

Tom Lehman

Doug Henwood wrote:

> Today's Suck, an epicenter of irony, interviews anti-ironist Jedediah Purdy:
> "While professional jealousy has long been the scrip in which Suck
> pays its staff, even we were taken aback by the mother lode of
> <>,
> bile, and gall unearthed by the sudden success of
> <>
> Purdy, the home schooled Harvard man whose book For Common Things:
> Irony, Trust, and Commitment in America Today has cashed in so
> handsomely on the pundit-invented trend away from sarcasm and toward
> deep sincerity. Frankly, having gotten behind the
> <> backlash and dipped our
> behinds in the <> earnestness
> back when it wasn't cool, we expected to get at least an appearance
> on public access out of the deal. We also recognized a rare
> opportunity to beat up on a seemingly defenseless punching bag.
> Sadly, while we can't recommend the book, the open secret is that
> there's hardly anything about irony in it. We suspect a put-up job,
> in which the young snake charmer has managed to tie himself to the
> media's hot air balloon. We were determined to get the story straight
> from the young bard himself."
> The rest is at <>.
> Doug

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